Duncan Simmons

 Born between 1961 and 1970 / by Duncan Simmons / 42 views

£ 60.00

Duncan Simmons is on a mission to leave the world in a better place than when he arrived.

That might sound like a BIG aspiration, but making a difference in the world doesn’t have to mean solving global challenges or curing world hunger (although we can all agree that would be amazing).  

Duncan’s work involves helping people understand just how unique they are and how they can connect with their inner power. In so doing, he is improving lives one by one, and helping contribute to growth and happiness overall. Happiness is contagious, yet for many, it proves stubbornly elusive.

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Name of Practice: Duncan the Life Coach
Practice Location: United Kingdom
Other Qualifications: None listed
Speciality/Niche: Career coaching, finding life purpose, life/work balance, negotiating change, teenagers and young adults
Unique Selling Proposition: Help with discovering your authentic self, taking control of your destiny by finding your life purpose and turning dreams into realities.
Additional Languages Spoken: placeholder
Coaching Medium: Individual and group coaching in either face-to-face and/or remote formats
Coaching Hours: Outside of office hours including weekends
Coaching Body Membership:
Fees per Session: £60
Discounts and Incentives: Session one is an exploratory session for which there is no charge
Contact: click here

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About Me 

For over 35 years I have worked in a corporate world (and still do), but no matter how challenging that can sometimes be, I never forget that everything we achieve is through people – I call It humanbeingness.  

My own journey in life has brought many wonderful experiences. Some so simple that I didn’t appreciate them until I completed my own Life Coaching journey. I enjoy sharing those events to bring colour to our coaching sessions.  

People describe me as thoughtful, caring and sharing and those are some of the values we will discuss. I will use real life examples to bring our sessions to life – sensitively, respectfully, and always confidentially.  

Finding Your Path  

Life is a complex journey and sometimes we all need a guide. Put simply, Life Coaching allows you to find your path and achieve your goals and dreams. Life Coaching is: 

  • Professional support to achieve your full potential 
  • A way to find and achieve your purpose 
  • A superb way to develop yourself 
  • The way to personal growth and development 
  • Helping you to live and be aware of your life 
  • A way to find the real you 
  • A process to help you achieve the life you want to live 
  • A way to overcome the obstacles you may find in your path 

Ultimately, Life Coaching leads to you being the best you can be. 

It is useful to understand what Life Coaching isn’t. 

  • It isn’t a way to deal with problems, rather a way to find solutions 
  • It isn’t me telling you what to do, it’s about me supporting you to decide what to do yourself 
  • It isn’t me giving you advice, but helping you follow your own advice 
  • It isn’t about me finding the path for you, but supporting you to choose your path and how to follow it 
  • It’s not me showing you how you relate to the world, it is supporting you to see how the world relates to you 

Always remember: 

  • Life Coaching is about choices – finding the right choices and ways to use them 
  • What has happened before does not dictate what is to come 
  • You have everything you need to be successful 
  • Life Coaching will help you find your path and follow it to turn you dreams into realities 

Working Together 

The word “together” is at the heart of the success of your Life Coaching journey.  

We will work in harmony to turn your dreams into realities. Along the way, you should expect challenge from me to help you explore boundaries and achieve your goals. You drive the programme and I will inspire and nurture you to improve self-awareness and clarity in life’s journey. 

Your Journey 

It all begins with your complimentary consultation. When I have answered all your questions and we have agreed your coaching pathway: 

  • Session one is an exploratory session for which there is no charge 
  • This leads to an agreed formal contract confirming our commitment to your own life journey 
  • Thereafter, there will be 14 formal sessions at £60 each – payable in advance  
  • We would typically meet every two weeks either face-to-face, online or a mixture of both 
  • Each session is a minimum of 1 hour (if we run over there is no extra charge) 
  • I will spend time preparing for each new meeting and I will expect the same from you. This supports progress towards your life goals 
  • I am always available if you need to discuss anything beyond our formal meetings 
  • As a certified New Insights Life Coach we will be using professionally prepared resources and support materials 

Request Me as Your Coach

Start your journey towards living your best life. Request me as your life coach. Simply enter your details on the contact form (making sure to choose my name, Duncan Simmons, from the dropdown list of coaches) on the Request a Coach page.

  • Listing ID: 3616
  • Name of Practice: Duncan the Life Coach
  • Practice Location (Region): United Kingdom
  • Practice Location (County/Province/State): Kent
  • Practice Location (City/Town): Tunbridge Wells
  • Coaching Speciality / Niche: Career/Vocation, Change & Transformation, Finding life purpose, General life coaching, Life/Work Balance, Young adults / teenagers
  • Coaching Speciality Summary: Helping people of all ages to understand their authentic self
  • Unique Selling Proposition: I help you to discover your authentic self, take control of your own destiny, find your life purpose and turn dreams into realities.
  • Coaching Medium: Face to Face, Remote/online (e.g. Telephone/Skype/Zoom, etc.), Group Face to Face, Group Remote/online
  • Coaching Hours: Weekdays after office hours, Saturdays, Sundays
  • Discounts and Incentives: Session one is an exploratory session for which there is no charge